The Existence of Alien Could Be Proven in Less than a Month

Sumber :
  • Tech Explorist

Jakarta – Harvard University astrophysicist Avi Loeb believes that we could know the existence of alien in less than a month. Researchers and analysts recently conducted tests on fragments of a meteor that fell to Earth in 2014.

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The meteor known as CNEOS 2014-01-08 was detected by the Catalina Sky Survey, a technological device tasked with searching for comets and asteroids that could threaten Earth.

The meteor traveled at an incredible 28 miles per second, which is much faster than any asteroid or comet ever found.

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This leads Loeb to believe that the meteor may be of interstellar origin, meaning it came from another star system.

"This meteor is special because it's so fast. It moves faster than 95 percent of the nearest stars near the Sun because of the thrust it has," he explained.

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Photo :
  • Frontiers Blog

In 2022, Loeb and found meteor fragments from the Pacific Ocean.

You can narrow down the approximate point where the foreign body hit the air by using seismograph readings and spend two weeks exploring a 6.2-square-mile stretch of ocean floor in a 1.2 million pound operation.

The found metal beads - up to 0.7 mm in diameter - are being analyzed in Germany, Papua New Guinea and two universities in the United States.

These fragments turned out to be made of a strange alloy of steel and titanium, which is much stronger than any natural material known so far, leading to the belief that the meteor may be part of alien technology.

"It is possible that it was a spaceship," Loeb said. The scientist also said that the meteor was made of a harder material than the 272 space rocks that NASA has cataloged over the past few decades.

He believes that they are in the process of figuring out what the meteor is and whether it is alien technology which will be answered within a month.

However, Loeb's claims about the meteor were met with skepticism by other scientists who thought the evidence was not strong enough. Others accused him of sensationalizing.

Some colleagues even refused to review Loeb's work, a process in which scientists evaluate each other's research to ensure that only high-quality research is published.

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