Government Regulates Indonesian Migrant Workers Placement

172 Pekerja Migran Indonesia korban TPPO di Kamboja Dipulangkan.
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Jakarta – The Indonesian Manpower Minister, Ida Fauziyah said that the government will review Law Number 18 of 2017 on the Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI).

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"We actually have Law Number 18 of 2017, we will try to review Law 18/2017 to see how the placement (of PMI)," Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah said after a limited meeting chaired by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), at the Merdeka Palace, on Wednesday.

Minister Fauziyah explained that this placement starts from departure while working in the placement country until returning to the homeland.

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Menteri Ketenagakerjaan, Ida Fauziyah

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  • Kemnaker

"The President asked the Coordinating Minister for the Economy to give two weeks to review the placement governance. Then, he asked the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs to enforce it," she said.

In addition, Minister Fauziyah said that her party in collaboration with Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian will also evaluate the placement of migrant workers by involving local governments in accordance with the authority listed in Law Number 18 of 2017 .

"We hope that each region will carry out its obligations as stipulated in Law 18/207. Meanwhile, Mr. Home Affairs Minister and I have agreed to hold a coordination meeting involving local government,"

The Minister of Manpower hopes that the improvement of government in the management of migrant worker placement will provide better protection for migrant workers.

"Hopefully, with this improved governance, the protection of our migrant workers will be even better," Minister Fauziyah concluded. 

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