Some Reasons Electric Motorcycle Tires Different from Conventional

Swallow luncurkan ban khusus motor listrik
Sumber :
  • Arianti Widya

Jakarta – Electrification in Indonesia is growing rapidly, with many people starting to use electric vehicle. In many ways, electric vehicle feel the same as normal vehicle day to day, but there are additional considerations needed when it comes to electric vehicle tires. 

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One of the tire manufacturers in Indonesia, Industri Karet Deli (IKD) realizes that electric motorcycle has some special challenges that require specially designed tires. 

Some of these reasons include the higher torque of electric motorcycle compared to internal combustion motors, so tires must be able to cope with the high torque with a stronger grip on the road surface. 

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Another reason is that electric motorcycle has battery weight that significantly affects the weight distribution of the vehicle, requiring special tires designed to maintain stability.

Electric motorcycle tires are also designed to help reduce rolling resistance and increase vehicle mileage by minimizing energy loss due to friction. 

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Ilustrasi Motor Listrik.

Photo :
  • Hindustan Times.

"Electric motorcycle requires high energy efficiency. Therefore, tires are needed that can help reduce rolling resistance and increase vehicle mileage by minimizing energy loss due to tire friction," Gunawan as Domestic Sales Industri Karet Deli said at the Swallow Voltrax Tire launch event at Sudestada, Jakarta, on Tuesday. 

Moreover, here are some differents between electric motorcycle and conventional tires: 

1. Weight Distribution

Electric motorcycles typically have a different weight distribution compared to conventional motorcycles. The batteries in electric motorcycles can be relatively heavy and placed differently, affecting how the weight is distributed on the tires. 

As a result, electric motorcycle tires may be designed to handle the specific weight distribution and offer optimal stability and handling.

2. Torque and Power Delivery

Electric motorcycles deliver instant torque, which can put more stress on the tires during acceleration. Conventional motorcycles, especially those with internal combustion engines, have a different power delivery curve.

Electric motorcycle tires are engineered to provide better traction and grip to handle the immediate torque delivery and maintain control during acceleration.

3. Regenerative Braking

Electric motorcycles often feature regenerative braking systems that recover energy during braking. This places different demands on the tires compared to conventional motorcycles. Tires for electric motorcycles may be designed to handle the unique forces and wear associated with regenerative braking.

4. Battery Range and Efficiency

Electric motorcycles are designed for energy efficiency and extended battery range. Tires with lower rolling resistance may be chosen to reduce energy consumption and maximize the distance covered on a single charge.

5. Noise and Vibration

Electric motorcycles tend to be quieter and produce fewer vibrations compared to conventional motorcycles. Tire manufacturers may design electric motorcycle tires with features that reduce noise and provide a smoother, more comfortable ride.

6. Eco-Friendly Materials

As the electric vehicle industry emphasizes sustainability, some electric motorcycle tire manufacturers may use eco-friendly materials or production processes to align with the green philosophy of electric mobility.

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