WhatsApp Launches Instant Video Messaging Feature for Users

Sumber :
  • Misrohatun Hasanah

Jakarta – The instant messaging, WhatsApp on Thursday launched a new feature through which users can record and send short video messages in chats. 

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"New for WhatsApp – we're adding the ability to instantly record and share a video message in your WhatsApp chats. It's as easy as sending a quick voice message," Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg said in a blog post. 

The new feature will enable users to send videos as easily as voice messages on the app.

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Meta said in a statement that it has begun rolling out the feature and it will be available to everyone in the coming weeks. Video messages are a real-time way to respond to chats with whatever you want to say and show in 60 seconds.


Photo :
  • Unsplash
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Sending a video message will be as easy as sending a voice message. You can do so by tapping the speaker icon until it changes to video mode, then holding it to record a video.  

Users can also swipe up to lock and record hands-free videos. The video will automatically play silently when opened in chat, and sound will be heard when tapping on the video. 

Messages are also protected with end-to-end encryption to maintain security. Video messaging has already started rolling out and will be available to everyone in the next few weeks.

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