Indonesian Government to Reduce Stunting Rate by 4 Percent

Ilustrasi pencegahan stunting
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Bengkulu – The Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has revealed that government will ensure the Stunting rate in each region continues to go down.

PAN Sudah Welcome Untuk Jokowi dan Keluarganya Bergabung

"I came to Seluma Regency, Bengkulu Province to ensure that our children, our toddlers are all healthy, we want to make sure in the framework of this National Children's Day that stunting always goes down every year, it cannot disappear immediately, but it goes down," the President said at Sarimulyo Posyandu, Seluma Regency, Bengkulu, on Friday. 

The Head of State also appreciated the efforts made by Seluma Regency, because it succeeded in reducing the stunting rate by 4 percent from before. 

Tanggulangi Stunting, Angkasa Pura Indonesia Distribusikan Ribuan Makan Gratis

Presiden RI Joko Widodo

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  • Kemlu RI

"I feel happy that the stunting rate in Seluma Regency has decreased by 4 percent, this is very good," he said.

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At the Integrated Healthcare Center or called Posyandu, the President and First Lady Iriana inspected a series of physical examinations of infants and toddlers who were present there. 

He considered that routine physical examination activities are a good thing to ensure that children continue to grow healthily.

"This is to ensure that our children are all healthy and have a good future as superior human resources." 

In addition, the President again explained that the Government has a target for the national stunting rate in 2024 to be below 14 percent and this will be supported by an adequate budget from the Government.

"From the center every year because we have a target next year 2024 to be below 14 percent, our budget always increases, because we want it that way," he stated. 

The Head of State also said that the government will always monitor and check the decline in stunting regularly to control the level of stunting in each region.

"We check every two weeks, every month we check and see who is high, who is down will be seen, we always control in such ways," 

Also attending the event were the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing; Basuki Hadimuljono, Minister of State Secretary; Pratikno, Bengkulu Governor; Rohidin Mersyah, and Seluma Regent; Erwin Octavian. 

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