CCEP Indonesia Continues Environmental Commitment with Waste Collection Initiative

Waste Collection
Sumber :
  • CCEP Indonesia

Jakarta – Coca-Cola Europacific Partners Indonesia (CCEP Indonesia) remains committed to environmental preservation through meaningful waste collection efforts. This time, they collaborated with Universitas Budi Luhur in Pesanggrahan District, South Jakarta on Sunday (16/7).

The event was attended by local government representatives, community figures, media, and the management team of CCEP Indonesia, all of whom participated in the activity together.

Nurlida Fatmikasari, Regional Corporate Affairs Manager of CCEP Indonesia, explained that this waste collection initiative is part of the company's support for the community's sustainable efforts in creating a clean, healthy, and comfortable environment.

Beyond cleaning up the surroundings, CCEP Indonesia also encourages the community to raise awareness about the importance of environmental stewardship through proper waste management, particularly by sorting waste at home.

Nurlida expressed, "We also urge residents in our operational areas to understand the significance of waste management, including household waste. Behavioral change in waste management is key to addressing environmental issues, especially those related to waste."

The waste collection activity received a highly positive response from the local community. DR IR Wendi Usino MsC MM, Rector of Universitas Budi Luhur, also expressed appreciation for the event's implementation and voiced support for CCEP Indonesia's environmental conservation efforts.

Dhedy Adi Nugroho, Head of Public Affairs of CCEP Indonesia, emphasized that this initiative is part of CCEP Indonesia's commitment to waste management. He highlighted that by effectively managing waste, society can harness the value it holds.

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Sayid Iskandar, Chairman of the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) Jaya (DKI), who was present at the event, provided positive support for the collaboration between CCEP Indonesia, Universitas Budi Luhur, and other community organizations in maintaining environmental cleanliness and health.

The waste collection effort also involved waste segregation based on types, such as organic waste, specific packaging-related inorganic waste, and non-packaging-related inorganic waste.

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The waste collection and environmental cleanup activities are part of a series of simultaneous initiatives held at various locations. In addition to Jakarta, similar activities took place in Bandung, Bogor, Bekasi, Pulau Pramuka, and 11 other sites in Sumatra, ranging from Lampung to Aceh.

CCEP Indonesia also engaged affiliated waste banks in the event to directly educate the community and promote waste reduction efforts at the source.

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Through ongoing waste collection initiatives like this, it is hoped that a clean, healthy, and lush environment can be achieved. CCEP Indonesia remains committed to being a positive agent of change in preserving the environment and increasing public awareness of the importance of proper waste management.

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