The Transportation Minister Joins LRT Jabodebek Limited Trial Today

LRT Jabodebek, Ujicoba Terbatas
Sumber :
  • VIVA/M Ali Wafa

Jakarta – LRT Jabodebek is conducting a trial run starting on Wednesday. This limited trial will last until August 15. The Indonesian Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya Sumadi also participated in the trial with the Harjamukti-Dukuh Atas Station route. 

Viral Halte Transjakarta Petukangan Utara Ganti Nama Jadi Petukangan D'MASIV

He ensured that the LRT Jabodebek limited trial has also accommodated the integration of services between other modes of public transportation, such as Jak Lingko, Transjakarta, and KRL.

"What we are doing is not only on the LRT line, but also to well-coordinated feeders such as Jak Lingko, Transjakarta, MRT, LRT, and KRL," Minister Sumadi said in the Cibubur area, East Jakarta, on Wednesday. 

Simak Aturan Berbuka Puasa di KRL, LRT, MRT, dan Transjakarta

Therefore, the Minister of Transportation also advised the Jabodebek LRT and the Provincial Governments of West Java and DKI Jakarta, to always improvise various efforts to develop integration between these modes of public transportation.

Menteri Perhubungan Budi Karya Sumadi Ujicoba Terbatas Naik LRT Jabodebek

Photo :
  • VIVA/M Ali Wafa
LRT Jabodebek Tembus 100 Ribu Pengguna, Cetak Rekor Tertinggi Sejak Beroperasi

"So that is how this intermodal integration can run well".

He hopes that in the future this integrated intermodal service will get better and better so that later there will be fewer Jabodebek residents who use private vehicles.

Furthermore, Minister Sumadi said that with the operation of the Jabodebek LRT, travel time that used to take up to 2 hours can now be reached in just 45 minutes.

"We also see that cutting travel time from 2 hours to around 45 minutes is a good achievement," the Minister said. 

"And when we inform the public about this trial, tens of thousands of people who want to try, and millions of people who expect this LRTJabodebek to run well, according to schedule. Then on August 18, 2023, if we are sure, we will invite President Joko Widodo to inaugurate it," the Minister added. 

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