PUPR Ministry Targets to Complete 15 Dams by 2023
Jakarta – The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) through the Directorate General of Water Resources (SDA) received a budget allocation of IDR 47.13 trillion in 2023.
Acting Director General of Water Resources Jarot Widyoko said that until now the budget has been absorbed by 32.24 percent, with physical progress reaching 34.96 percent.
"The 2023 target includes the construction of 32 dams, consisting of 12 advanced dams that continue into the next Fiscal Year (TA), 5 new dams, and 15 advanced dams that will be completed in Fiscal Year 2023," Widyoko said in his statement on Monday.Â
He detailed that the 15 dams targeted for completion in 2023 are Keureuto, Rukoh, Lau Simeme, Margatiga, Karian, Cipanas, Leuwikeris, Jlantah, Sepaku Semoi, Sidan, Tiu Suntuk, Temef, Lolak, Pamukkulu, and Ameroro.
Ilustrasi: Pemandangan bendungan Sutami untuk pasokan ke Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air (PLTA) Karangkates di Kecamatan Sumberpucung, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur, Jumat, 21 Juni 2019.
- ANTARA/Syaiful Arif
In addition, in Fiscal Year 2023 the Directorate General of Natural Resources will also build 5,500 hectares of irrigation areas, rehabilitate 105,000 hectares of irrigation networks, build 13 reservoirs, provide raw water with a capacity of 2.61 m3/second, build flood control and coastal safety along 114.21 km, and drain 21 million m3 of Sidoarjo mud.
Meanwhile, the natural resources infrastructure support carried out in IKN is the construction of the Sepaku Semoi Dam, which has progressed 92.77 percent and is targeted for completion in 2023.
"We also carry out flood control work in several rivers, namely the Sepaku River, Pamaluan River, Sanggai River, Seluang River and Tengin River. For the fulfillment of raw water, the construction of intake infrastructure and transmission pipes for the Sepaku River has been completed 100 percent,"
As for labor-intensive work, the total ceiling for labor-intensive work in the field of water resources in Fiscal Year 2023 is IDR 5 trillion consisting of activities for the Program for Accelerating the Improvement of Irrigation Water Use (P3TGAI) and operation and maintenance (OP) through labor-intensive implementation patterns. The labor absorption target is 281,000 people.
For Fiscal Year 2024, the Directorate General of Water Resources received an indicative ceiling of IDR 44 trillion which is allocated for water resources resilience programs amounting to IDR 41.45 trillion and management support amounting to IDR 2.54 trillion.Â
"Priority programs in the field of water resources in Fiscal Year 2024 include the construction of 18 dams, development of 4,000 hectares of irrigation areas, rehabilitation of 38,000 hectares of irrigation networks, construction of 7 reservoirs, provision of raw water capacity of 2.5 m3 per second, construction of 57.5 km of flood control and coastal safety, draining 21 million m3 of Sidoarjo mud, and construction of boreholes in drought areas," he explained.Â