Exploring the World of Bio-Pharmacy with Daewoong Infion

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Surabaya – Daewoong Young Creators, a team of student reporters from Daewoong Indonesia, embarked on their first mission of the year by visiting Daewoong Infion, a leading pharmaceutical company in Surabaya.

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The event provided a valuable opportunity for the students to experience the culture of Daewoong and delve into the field of bio-pharmaceuticals.

Daewoong Infion, a Korean pharmaceutical company that has adopted the best bio-pharmaceutical technologies from Daewoong Pharmaceutical Korea, was established in 2012 as a joint venture.

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It is the first facility in Indonesia to produce drugs with local production facilities. The company has built a unique organizational culture, and through this visit, the students were introduced to this culture.

The mission to Daewoong Infion began at 9:00 AM. The event consisted of three main parts. Firstly, the students were introduced to the company through a video presentation that provided a brief overview of Daewoong Infion.

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Following that, Park Sang-Ho, the President Director of Daewoong Infion, warmly welcomed the Daewoong Young Creators.

"Daewoong Infion was awarded the Best Bio-Pharmaceutical Company Award by the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency in 2017 for its contributions to the health of the Indonesian population, as well as the Minister of Health Award in November of the same year," he stated in an official statement, quoted on Thursday, July 6, 2023.

The second part involved a tour of the production facilities at Daewoong Infion. The students had the rare opportunity to witness the optimized bio-pharmaceutical production system in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standards.

The facilities strictly adhere to guidelines for the production of drugs, medical devices, and other medical products. The access to these facilities is highly restricted, and this visit marked the first time that the general public had the chance to see them.

The final part consisted of interview sessions with the professionals at Daewoong Infion. The students were divided into five groups to interview employees in the fields of Production, Production Management, Quality Assurance, Quality Control, and Business Development.

The results of the reportage conducted by Daewoong Young Creators will be presented to the public on July 10 through the official social media accounts of Daewoong Young Creators and Daewoong Indonesia.

It is hoped that this reportage will provide deep insights into the bio-pharmaceutical industry and inspire the younger generation to pursue careers in this field.

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