WhatsApp Announces an Easier Way to Data Transfer with QR Code

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Jakarta – WhatsApp has announced new feature or the easier way to data transfer for users. This feature will allow users to data transfer such as large messages, attachments from one phone to another.

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This new transfer method makes data transfer faster and easier by only requiring users to scan a QR code. So users don't need to back up their information to the cloud, and then download the data to a new phone.

To enable the feature, both devices reportedly need to be on the same Wi-Fi connection. Users then need to access Settings > Chat > Transfer chats on their old phone. A QR code will appear for the new device to scan.

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If users are concerned about privacy, the company conveyed that data is only shared between the two devices when the QR code is scanned. Chat transfers are also reportedly fully encrypted.


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On the downside, it looks like this feature will only work if both devices share the same operating system. 

So users can only transfer chats from Android to Android or iOS to iOS. If moving from iPhone to Android or Android to iPhone, the WhatsApp help page has instructions that can be followed. The instructions will differ depending on the transfer method. 

Currently, there is no release date for the feature. However, the new tool will be rolled out to beta testers for users with Android and iOS devices.

Direktur Utama PT Pertamina (Persero), Simon Aloysius Mantiri, dalam konferensi pers di Grha Pertamina, Jakarta Pusat, Senin, 3 Maret 2025

Dirut Pertamina Minta Maaf soal Tata Kelola Minyak Mentah, Buka Pengaduan Mudah Lewat WhatsApp

Direktur Utama PT Pertamina (Persero) Simon Aloysius Mantiri menyampaikan permohonan maaf kepada seluruh masyarakat Indonesia atas kasus korupsi tata kelola minyak mentah

3 Maret 2025