Three Industry Sectors Drive Indonesian Economic Growth
- Arianti Widya
Jakarta – The Ministry of Industry released the results of the Industrial Confidence Index or IKI survey on Tuesday. There are three industries that may drive Indonesian economic growth.
A spokeperson for the Industry Ministry, Febri Hendri Antoni Arif said that of the 23 industries that are expanding, there are three main industries or subsectors that support the Indonesian economy the most.
"Based on the Industrial Confidence Index survey in June 2023, there are three industries that have the highest percentage value of expansion, namely the automotive, food and beverage industries," Arif said at the IKI press conference at the Ministry of Industry Office, on Tuesday.
Juru Bicara Kementerian Perindustrian, Febri Hendri Antoni Arif
- Kemenperin
It is known, the Industrial Confidence Index or IKI in June 2023 reached 53.94. This figure is up 3.03 points compared to last month which only reached 50.90.
The 53.94 figure is the highest IKI value since it was released in November 2022. The largest IKI value in February 2023 was 52.32.
Arif said, the IKI figure which increased significantly showed that the manufacturing industry this month was in an expansion condition and the market had improved.
"So the results of the June 2023 IKI calculation amounted to 53.93 or an increase of 3.03 points compared to May 2023 which amounted to 50.90, this shows that market conditions are gradually improving," he explained.
In addition, the increase in IKI in June was also due to the increase in the Order variable from 49.84 to 54.81 (up 4.97 points) and the Production variable from 50.01 to 54.86 (up 4.85 points), he added.
"The manufacturing industry is moving in an expansion position, all variables forming IKI have increased. Whether it's an increase in new orders, production or product availability,"
As information, the Industrial Confidence Index (IKI) survey is an indicator of the level of confidence or optimism of the manufacturing industry towards economic conditions, as well as a description of the condition of the manufacturing industry and prospects for business conditions in Indonesia.