The Ministry of Health Stops Biscuit Budget to Overcome Stunting

Ilustrasi biskuit cokelat
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  • Pixabay/Mooss

Jakarta – The Ministry of Health has confirmed that the budget allocated to purchasing biscuits as one of the efforts to address stunting in each region has been discontinued and redirected.

Tri Tito Karnavian Lantik Andi Indriaty Syaiful sebagai Pj. Ketua TP PKK dan Tim Pembina Posyandu Provinsi Sulsel

"The budget for purchasing milk and biscuits is no longer available. The budget for all Integrated Health Posts (Posyandu) is allocated to buying animal protein food products," said Deputy Minister of Health Dante Saksono Harbuwono during the FMB9: Important Steps to Reduce Stunting virtual event in Jakarta today.

Responding to findings that the provision of nutritious food in certain areas often violates regulations, such as providing packaged milk and high-fat, high-sugar biscuits, Dante stated that they have repeatedly conducted evaluations and consultations with experts.

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The experts present include those from universities, professional organizations, and associations involved in related cases. The aim is to obtain modules on handling stunting in regions that are good, appropriate, and accurate, so that the mitigation efforts can be maximized.

From the discussions, Dante shared that the decision to halt the budget allocation was made after the experts unanimously highlighted that providing supplementary feeding (PMT) to prevent stunting is not effective when done solely through the procurement of biscuits or milk.

Polda Kalsel Bagikan 25.000 Bibit Ikan untuk Petani Tambak hingga Bantuan Stunting

"The experts state that the most effective form of PMT to prevent stunting is in the form of animal protein. This will yield good and optimal results. Therefore, the budget for purchasing milk and biscuits no longer exists," he said.

Dante urged everyone not to misinterpret the policy. The Ministry of Health has replaced it by allocating funds to purchase or process animal protein-rich foods such as eggs, fish, and chicken, which are distributed through Integrated Health Posts (Posyandu) nationwide.

"We are implementing this in all Integrated Health Posts (Posyandu), so there will no longer be funds allocated for biscuit provision. Instead, it will be directly used to provide protein, which will also stimulate the economy in rural areas," he said.

Dante emphasized that besides being more beneficial for child growth and development, food containing animal protein can also be developed by local communities. This can boost the economy of a region due to increased demand.

"Imagine if eggs are purchased in a village, it will lead to the presence of many poultry farmers and egg producers in that village. So, it will have a positive effect on economic growth, as well as fish or chicken," he said.

During the event, Dante requested that everyone understand that in some cases, children who have already experienced stunting can recover. However, this requires joint examination with pediatricians and other experts to determine the appropriate treatment in hospitals.

"It is true that a certain percentage can return to normal, but there are some children whose stunting is severe and cannot be cured. Unfortunately, they cannot return to normal," he said.

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