Three Reference Points to Realize Golden Indonesia 2045, Jokowi Says

Presiden RI, Joko Widodo meluncurkan logo baru IKN
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Jakarta – The Indonesian President, Joko Widodo (Jokowi), emphasized seizing opportunities by using planning, vision, and grand strategy to realize Golden Indonesia 2045.

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This was conveyed by President Jokowi when launching the Draft National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN) 2025-2045 on Thursday at the Djakarta Theater, Jakarta.

The President explained that in 2030, Indonesia will experience the peak of the demographic bonus, where 68.3 percent of the total population is in the productive age.

Presiden Jokowi

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  • vstory

According to him, this opportunity, which only occurs once in every civilization of a country, must be managed properly so as not to become a disaster.

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"A country in Africa in 2015 also received a demographic bonus, but within seven years, unemployment jumped to 33.6 percent," President Jokowi informed.

The Head of State said that Indonesia has the opportunity to become a top-five world economy. However, realizing this challenge is not easy.

Then, he mentioned that three main things will become a reference to achieve the vision of a Golden Indonesia in 2045.

First is the stability of the nation and state. "The stability of this nation must be maintained. No country has succeeded in achieving prosperity if its conditions are unstable, no," the President said.

Second, leadership continuity and continuity. The President said that leadership in a country is like a baton that must continue and must not start from zero with every leadership.

In addition, he also emphasized the importance of downstream industries, which if successful will boost Indonesia.

"If downstream is successful, we will jump. Building, for example, mineral downstream, building an electric car battery ecosystem. How do we export only raw materials? Nickel exports only as raw materials can become cathodes, precursors, and lithium batteries," President remarked.

Furthermore, Indonesia-centric development orientation is also important, namely with the construction of the National Capital City (IKN Nusantara), which is expected to equalize the Indonesian economy.

The President explained that 56 percent of Indonesia's population is in Java, and 58 percent of Indonesia's gross domestic product (GDP) is also in Java.

"Therefore, the burden must be reduced, equalization must be done. Not in the next one year, two years, three years, four years, five years, but we must look at the vision far ahead," he said.

"So, downstream, the IKN Nusantara must be strengthened, continued, and improved."

The third point is about human resources (HR), which is a great strength of the Indonesian nation, "This is our great strength, not only in terms of numbers but also in terms of the quality of human resources, including physical, skill, productive character, and disciplinary character,"

"This is what we must fix, including the mastery of science and technology," he concluded.

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