VKTR Prepares 10,000 Electric Buses to Fulfill Transjakarta Needs

Serah Terima Bus Listrik VKTR
Sumber :
  • VIVA/M Ali Wafa

VIVA – Gilarsi W. Setijono, the President Director of VKTR Mobility Technology (VKTR), stated that his company aims to supply up to 10 thousand electric buses based on the Transjakarta needs. 

Currently, VKTR has already submitted 50 percent of the buses to the busway operator, and they aspire to contribute even more.

"We want to make a greater contribution to Transjakarta because it has a target of 10 thousand buses by the end of 2030. Therefore, we will make every effort to contribute as much as possible," Setijono said on Wednesday.

However, Setijono acknowledged that VKTR will face competition from other companies to supply electric buses for public transportation, Transjakarta.

Despite the competition, he assured that VKTR will strive to fulfill the fleet needs of Transjakarta in the most convenient way.

"When conducting business with the government (Business-to-Government/B2G), there are always counseling budgets and protocols that must be followed," he added.

Furthermore, Setijono highlighted that VKTR has already deployed 30 fleets to Transjakarta, with a total accumulated mileage of two million kilometers over a span of 14 months.

Serah Terima Bus Listrik VKTR

Photo :
  • VIVA/M Ali Wafa
Pramono dan Rano Karno Mau Buka Rute TransJakarta Sampai Bekasi-Depok

This successful implementation serves as proof of concept regarding safety and passenger comfort.

"The operator has also recognized the economic efficiency achieved by using these electric vehicles, as proven during the 14 months of operation. This is why we are now seeking an IPO to scale-up," he explained.

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