IKN Nusantara Plans to Have Financial Center: Here's the Function

Rancangan kawasan dan bangunan gedung di IKN Nusantara.
Sumber :
  • Dok. PUPR

VIVA – The Financial Services Authority (OJK) supports the development of the Indonesian New Capital (IKN Nusantara) by establishing a financial center with stakeholders in the financial services industry. 

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The development of this financial center is based on Government Regulation Number 12 of 2023 on Business Licensing, Ease of Doing Business, and Investment Facilities for Business Actors in the National Capital, according to Dian Ediana Rae, the Executive Head of Banking Supervision at OJK.

"As a manifestation of OJK's commitment to supporting the acceleration of development and growth of the National Capital's financial center, OJK has conducted a study titled 'Establishment of a Financial Center in the National Capital' which will serve as a basis for formulating policies to support the realization of a financial center that can have a positive impact on the national economy," Rae said in his statement on Monday.

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According to Rae, the Financial Center in the National Capital (IKN) or the Nusantara Financial Center is projected to become a niche financial center that plays a role in mobilizing and channeling funding from or to the local and offshore markets.

Gedung Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK)

Photo :
  • Website OJK
OJK Perkuat Koordinasi dengan Danantara dan Kementerian BUMN, Fokus Hal Ini

"The Nusantara Financial Center will also be directed as a center of innovative banking services in Indonesia with a wider range of financial products, as one of the advantages of the Nusantara Financial Center to compete in the Southeast Asian region," he explained.

Some of the products and services that will be available in the Nusantara Financial Center include a full range of services provided by commercial banks as universal banks, crypto asset products, sustainable finance products, bullion, structured products, and wealth management, trustees, and Islamic finance, which will be organized by a Special Business Unit (UUK).

The UUK is an autonomous branch office with its structure and special capital allocation. Rae explained that the success of the financial center's development is influenced by several factors, including the business environment, human resources, infrastructure, development of the financial sector, and reputation.

"Therefore, the development of a competitive financial center requires the participation of the government through relevant ministries and institutions according to their respective authorities," Rae expected.

Thus, OJK hopes to obtain input on the study and policy recommendations regarding the establishment of the Financial Center prepared by OJK and to accommodate the aspirations of banks.

Therefore, a joint concept of an ideal Financial Center can be formulated to support the Indonesian economy.

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