President Jokowi Visit Singapore, Malaysia to Promote IKN Nusantara

Presiden Jokowi dan Iriana
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VIVA – The Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and the first lady, Iriana Jokowi visit Singapore and Malaysia as state-visit series on Wednesday. Also, the President plans to meet the Malaysian Prime Minister, Anwar Ibrahim.

Respons Projo soal Isu Jokowi-Gibran Gabung Golkar

"I and the first lady, also the limited delegation do a short working visit to Singapore and Malaysia in June 7-8, 2023," President Widodo stated on Wednesday.

In Singapore, the President only visit for a few hours, mainly to speak at Ecosperityweek 2023 organized by Temasek Foundation. According to him, this meeting will be attended by many investors, academics, and governments.

Projo Bantah Isu Jokowi Bertemu Sultan HB X buat Jadi Mediator Pertemuan dengan Megawati

"I will use this meeting to encourage investment, especially in the fields of energy transition, green infrastructure, and also the development of the National Capital City (IKN Nusantara)," the President informed. 


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Prabowo Disarankan Kirim Nota Protes ke Pemerintah Belanda terkait Riset OCCRP

After that, he will come to Kuala Lumpur for a working visit. He said this visit is a vice versa to fulfill the invitation of Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim and Yang Dipertuan Agong Sultan Abdullah that some time ago visited Indonesia. 

"My visit to Malaysia aims to finalize significant negotiations that have been running for years and have not been completed, namely the border issue and the issue of protecting migrant workers, and of course other important matters. Insya Allah, I will arrive in the Homeland tomorrow night." he remarked. 

Wakil Ketua Umum Bidang Perekonomian ormas Musyawarah Kekeluargaan Gotong Royong (MKGR), Soedeson Tandra

MKGR Sebut Belum Ada Tanda-tanda Jokowi-Gibran Bergabung

Ketua Panitia Penyelenggara HUT Ke-65 MGKR ini menjelaskan organisasinya bersifat terbuka, termasuk kepada Jokowi dan Gibran.

18 Januari 2025