Doctor Sexually Assaulted Woman Through Coffee, Court Hears
- Daily Mail
VIVA – A doctor sexually assaulted a woman by depositing his sperm into cups of coffee he made for her on multiple occasions, a court stated.
Dr Nicholas John Chapman, 55, has gone on trial accused of two counts of attempting to cause a woman, aged 16 or over, to engage in sexual activity without her consent.
Gloucester Crown Court heard the victim, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was shocked after discovering a 'gloopy' substance at the bottom of her cup when she finished a hot drink given to her by the defendant.
After she found suspicious 'specimens', she reported him to the police and a laboratory test later confirmed the substance was 'semen that related to the doctor'.
Opening the case, prosecution barrister Richard Posner said it was in September 2021 when the alleged victim became concerned there might be something not right about the hot drinks the defendant was making for her.
He said: "(She) had good reason to be suspicious because there was a substance in her coffee that had no business being there at all. The defendant's semen had been added to the drinks that the prosecution say he had been making for her,"
By adding sperm to coffee, he had been attempting to engage her in a form of sexual activity, by her ingesting his semen, he added.
The prosecution said the alleged victim started to notice something strange about her coffee at the end of 2020 but had no idea what it was for nearly a year.
Posner also stated: "She took a sip of her drink and spat it out into the sink. It didn't taste right. It tasted salty. She tipped the remainder into the sink and saw a thick, gloopy substance go into the sink,"
"She just knew it was something that shouldn't have been there. She did not for a moment think it could have been semen," he remarked.
The court heard she didn't think much more of it, but told others her drink tasted funny and would tip away other drinks he made for her during that time.Â
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She believes it happened on around six or seven other occasions, but her suspicions were raised in September 2021, when she noticed a plastic specimen in his possession that had 'no business being there.
The woman shared her concerns and 'realised the reality' of what had been happening, Posner told the court.
He said she then waited until another drink was made for her the following week and noticed in his trouser pocket what looked like one of his specimen bottles.
Posner explained: "This immediately raised suspicion. She collected the coffee and tipped it down a sink and noticed a slimy trail. Some of the substance was retrieved and put into specimen pots and photos were taken of the gloopy substance at the bottom of the mug."
The victim later told partner what had happened and said it had taken place around six or seven times. She also showed him photos of a 'gloopy substance that looked like semen' in the bottom of the cup.
Samples were put in the freezer and she later gave them to police. Analysis of the coffee made on the September 13, 2021 found semen and DNA provided a match to the defendant.
He was arrested by police at his surgery as he arrived to work and during interview said he was 'shocked' and denied putting semen into her coffee.