BNBR-Envision Focus on Build Net Zero Industrial Park in Sulawesi

Anindya Bakrie Saksikan Gelaran Formula E
Sumber :
  • VIVA

VIVA – Bakrie & Brothers (BNBR) together with Envision Group stated that they are focused on developing the first Net Zero Industrial Park in Southeast Asia. This project will be built in South Sulawesi and used to process nickel raw materials.

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BNBR President Director & CEO Anindya Novyan Bakrie stated that his party was very pleased to collaborate with Envision Group because it can begin to encourage Indonesia to transform towards a greener future.

"The first Net Zero Industrial Park in Southeast Asia in South Sulawesi will be used to process nickel materials that will be processed at the Giga Factory which is under the Envision Group which is spread across the United Kingdom, Spain, France, and also the United States," Anindya Bakrie stated in his statement on Sunday.

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Bakrie also stated that it also plans to work together on artificial intelligence technology (AIoT) which is also the backbone for the development of the green energy ecosystem and electric vehicles.

"We see the possibility to develop Net Zero digital solutions in Indonesia, utilizing the system that Envision Digital has comprehensively created. The portion of the digital aspect in the green industrial revolution is so large, not many even know that inside each electric vehicle, there are at least 3,000 chips, very digital," Bakrie explained.

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Meanwhile, founder and CEO of Envision Group, Lei Zhang, said that together with BNBR, his party will develop the first Net Zero Industrial Park in Southeast Asia which will be built in South Sulawesi, Indonesia.


Photo :
  • 1486120

This Net Zero Industrial Park will use green energy, such as wind and solar power. The energy will be used in nickel ore refining, refining, as well as making battery materials and battery recycling.

"So, we are not only building an energy ecosystem but also bringing the battery ecosystem with Bakrie to Indonesia," he said.

Furthermore, Zhang explained that among several countries in Southeast Asia, Indonesia was chosen because it has an extraordinary future.

"Indonesia has a lot of natural resources underground such as nickel, copper, and luna, as well as natural resources above ground such as wind, solar, and water energy. We are working especially with our partner Bakrie, as they are the first in this green energy transformation," he remarked.

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