President Jokowi Inaugurates Kretek II Bridge in Yogyakarta

Presiden Jokowi bagi-bagi kaos usai meresmikan Jembatan Kretek II, DIY
Sumber :
  • VIVA/Cahyo Edi

VIVA – The Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) inaugurated the Kretek II Bridge on Friday. This bridge is connecting the villages of Tirtohsrgo and Parangtritis in Kretek Sub-district, Bantul District, Yogyakarta Province.

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The bridge which was built over Opak River, measures 556 meters in length, with four traffic lanes.

The President also said: "The facility was constructed by the Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Ministry with a budget of IDR 364 billion,"

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Presiden Jokowi saat meresmikan Jembatan Kretek II, di Yogyakarta.

Photo :
  • Cahyo Edi (Yogyakarta)

The 2.7-kilometer bridge spanning the Opak River is considered to provide many tangible benefits to the surrounding community.

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"This is a very big benefit to shorten the time, to reduce expenses for visitors, and others, so that the community really appreciates what the central government programmed through the local government has now been implemented," said Topo as Parangtritis Village Head.

Topo also expressed his appreciation to all parties who have supported the construction of the Kretek II Bridge so that it can be utilized by the community. He also said that the bridge had long been awaited by the community.

"Mr. President, Mr. (Minister of) PUPR, Mr. Governor, Mr. Regent, all parties who support this activity so that it can now become a reality that the community has longed for can be carried out properly," Topo informed.

Kretek II Bridge is useful for a resident named Dwi Atmanto. He admitted that the distance to the Parangtritis area and its surroundings has become faster and easier to reach.

"Previously (residents) had to go far, now it only takes a quarter of an hour to access the beaches in the south, including Parangtritis and other beaches," he remarked.

Moreover, the president stated that in the past seven years, the government continues to expedite the development of infrastructure, including highways, bridges, dams, ports, and airports.

"The attempt aims to help the community to overcome various problems, including to increase (product) competitiveness, regional economic growth, as well as equitable development," he said. 

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