Indonesia Sends 730,000 Pentavalent Vaccines to Nigeria

Pelepasan vaksin pentavalent di area halaman Gedung B Bea Cukai Bandara Soetta
Sumber :
  • Sherly (Tangerang)

VIVA – The Indonesian government sent 730 thousand pentavalent vaccines which were symbolically given to the Nigerian government on Sunday at the Soekarno-Hatta Airport.

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The Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said the sending of the first phase of the pentavalent vaccine would be a sign of further cooperation between Indonesia and Nigeria in the vaccine sector.

"This first batch has 730 thousand which will be a sign of further concrete cooperation carried out by Indonesia, especially with Nigeria in the field of vaccines," she stated on Sunday.

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Pelepasan vaksin pentavalent di area halaman Gedung B Bea Cukai Bandara Soetta

Photo :
  • Sherly (Tangerang)

Furthermore, she said that the grant assistance in providing this pentavalent vaccine was carried out in two stages, which will be sent in June 2023 with a total of 850 vaccines.

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"We have two stages of this pentavalent vaccine grant assistance. Which, for the second stage as many as 850 vaccines," Minister Marsudi informed.

Meanwhile, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani added, this pentavalent vaccine will be given to children in Nigeria to reduce tetanus, diphtheria, and Haemophilus influenza type B.

"This vaccine is used to reduce some of the risks of diseases in the country such as tetanus, diphtheria, and haemophilus influenza type B. This is one of our diplomacy in helping countries. Then, we can also use resources for many countries," she explained.

Menlu Retno Marsudi

Vale Indonesia Tunjuk Eks Menlu Retno Marsudi Jadi Komisaris Independen

Corporate Secretary INCO, Wiwik Wahyuni menjelaskan, penunjukan eks-Menteri Luar Negeri era Presiden Joko Widodo itu dilakukan, untuk menggantikan posisi Raden Sukhyar.

14 Januari 2025