240 Indonesians Victims of Human Trafficking Return from Philippines

Kepala Biro Penerangan Masyarakat Divisi Humas Polri Brigjen Pol Ahmad Ramadhan
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  • dok Polri

VIVA – Head of the Public Information Bureau of the National Police's Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan stated that hundreds of Indonesians who were victims of human trafficking (TPPO) have been allowed to return from the Philippines to Indonesia.

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"Victims of exploitation in the Philippines, the Philippine Bureu of Immigration has allowed 240 Indonesian victims to return home," Ramadhan said at the National Police Headquarters on Thursday.

Currently, he said, 240 victims of exploitation are being organized about the departure schedule plan from the Philippines to Indonesia carried out by the Philippine Embassy.

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"Of the total 242 Indonesians, there are 240 Indonesians who received a legal departure order, to be able to leave the Philippines," he explained.

While the implementation of repatriation will be carried out in waves according to schedule and will begin on Thursday, May 25. "So, out of 242, 240 are allowed to return to Indonesia and 2 suspects remain in the Philippines," he said.

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Previously reported, Brigadier General Djuhandhani Rahardjo Puro said that two suspects in a criminal trafficking case (TPPO) against 20 Indonesian citizens to Myanmar, used a fictitious company to trick immigration officers and others.

In this case, two people were arrested by the Investigation Team of the Directorate of General Crimes at the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, namely Andri Satria Nugraha and Anita Setia Dewi in Bekasi, West Java.

It was revealed that the perpetrators recruited victims through their relatives.

"From the investigation process that we obtained, the recruitment pattern is that the victim is recruited by the perpetrator with an offer to go to Thailand through relatives, friends or acquaintances," Puro said at the National Police Headquarters on Tuesday.

Ilustrasi perdagangan manusia.

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  • U-Report

Then, he said, the victim was assisted in obtaining a passport by the perpetrator and an interview was conducted by the user using the video call feature.

After that, some victims were accommodated in a house and apartment owned by the perpetrator.

"The apartment belonging to the perpetrator was the place where we arrested the suspect yesterday," he remarked.

Meanwhile, Puro revealed that the perpetrator was without using a migrant worker placement company and without using a work visa.

According to him, the victim was provided with an assignment letter from the perpetrator that from Prima Karya Gemilang to trick immigration officers.

"So, they are provided with a letter from the CV, this is used to cover up immigration officers. The company is only the victims carrying a letter and  the company is fictitious, where the aim is to trick officers, both immigration and other officers at the airport," he explained.

After that, the victim went to Bangkok with the excuse of an interview and selection if accepted will be issued a work visa. "The victim was provided with a return ticket Jakarta-Bangkok, then crossed into Myanmar illegally through the Maysot border," he said.

Investigators named two suspects because the elements of the crime of trafficking in persons have been fulfilled, as stipulated in Article 4 of Law Number 21 of 2007 concerning Eradication of Trafficking in Persons (PTTPO) and or Article 81 of Law Number 18 of 2017 concerning Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI).

"Furthermore, investigators complete the administration of the investigation to find and arrest other perpetrators," he stated. 

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