Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing PUPR Spends IDR14.9 Trillion for Road Repair

Menteri PUPR Basuki Hadimuljono.
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  • Antara

VIVA – Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono stated that the roads in Lampung, Jambi, and North Sumatra will be repaired starting on July 2023. 

Basuki Ungkap Arahan Prabowo soal IKN: 2025 ASN Pindah, 2028 Penyelesaian Kantor DPR hingga MA

Minister Hadimuljono explained that the road infrastructure development process in Lampung to Jambi was carried out in July because there were still several budgets that had to be processed together with the Ministry of Finance. 

"In May, I met the Minister of Finance at the Supreme Audit Agency during a meeting to discuss the budget. The first phase is IDR 14.9 trillion, including for roads in Lampung, Jambi, and North Sumatra," the Minister emphasized. 

Menteri PU Dampingi Menko AHY Tinjau Pembangunan Bendungan Sidan yang Segera Rampung

Then, when the budget has been finalized properly, this will be completed in June, followed by the procurement of goods and services so that road repairs can begin.

Presiden Jokowi tinjau jalan rusak di Lampung naik mobil Indonesia 1

Photo :
  • Biro Pers, Media dan Informasi Sekretariat Presiden
Revitalisasi Gereja Blenduk Semarang, Kementerian PU Targetkan Rampung Sebelum Natal 2024

"After that, in June, the procurement of goods and services will be held, the auction. Whether through public auction or e-catalog, depends on the classification. Those under 100 are usually e-cataloged to make it faster," Basuki said.

"But no later than the beginning of July, the work must begin. So what happened in Lampung may be done by the Regional Expenditure Budget (APBD). So like in Jambi, some have been done by the APBD. In North Sumatra, Labuan Batu Utara has also been partly done by the APBD," he said.

The infrastructure development is also working with the local government at this time. But the central government will still do it starting in July.

As previously reported, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) paid a working visit to Lampung Province on Friday, May 5, 2023. The President and his entourage landed at Radin Inten II International Airport, South Lampung Regency. 

President Jokowi's agenda after arriving in Lampung was to review markets in the province. The market visited by Jokowi after arriving in Lampung is Natar Market, located in South Lampung.

After that, the President will inspect several roads in Lampung Province. he inspected the roads in Lampung Province by car.

Kepala Otorita Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN), Basuki Hadimuljono

Otorita IKN Usulkan Prabowo Groundbreaking Akhir Desember

Kepala Otorita IKN, Basuki Hadimuljono mengungkapkan pihaknya telah mengusulkan sejumlah agenda peletakan batu pertama (groundbreaking) yang akan dilakukan Presiden Prabo

11 Desember 2024