The 2023 SEA Games: Weightlifter Adds Gold Medal for Indonesia

Tsabitha Alfiah Ramadani memamerkan medali emas SEA Games 2023
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VIVA – A weightlifter Tsabitha Alifah Ramadani successfully adds gold medal for Indonesia after winning the women's 64kg class at the 2023 Cambodia SEA Games – National Olympic Stadium, on Monday. 

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Tsabitha Alfiah Ramadani competed with three other lifters namely Roeun Sreynith from Cambodia, Nur Syazwani Radzi from Malaysia, and the toughest one, hi Thu Uyen Dinh from Vietnam. 

Before the competition began, Ramadani registered a snatch force of 83kg. The number put her in third place in action.

Resmi Dilantik KONI Pusat, Ketum PBPI Galih Kartasasmita Siap Kembangkan Padel Indonesia

Then Nur Syazwani, who appeared second, managed to lift the highest weight of 80kg. Ramadani also had to increase the load to 92kg. Unfortunately, she failed in the first force.

After that, she tried again to dowith the same weight. she seemed more prepared and finally smoothly lifted the weight.

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Ilustrasi medali SEA Games 2023

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Seeing the action of Ramadani, Thi Thu Uyen Dinh managed to reply with a 93kg force. Then raise the weight to 96kg. After that, Ramadani had to pass that number and succeeded with a 97kg force which was also her best snatch force.

She finally won after the Vietnamese representative failed to do the 98kg force. For the snatch force, Ramadani was the winner. Participants got a chance to catch their breath with 15 minutes of rest before going into the clean and jerk. 

Ramadani started last. She managed to lift 107kg. The force was enough to deliver him to gold.

Because, the rivals were unable to catch up, especially Vietnamese representatives who only succeeded in the first force with 98kg. The next two forces failed.

She was confirmed to win the gold medal by posting a 97kg snatch force and a 107kg clean and jerk, resulting in a total force of 204kg.

Silver belonged to Vietnam's representative with 96kg (snatch), 194 (clean and jerk), and 194kg (total). Then Malaysian lifters won bronze with 80kg (snatch), 104kg (clean and jerk), and 184 kg (total).

Ramadani’s additional gold made weighlifting from Indonesia collects four gold and three bronze medals. 

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