ASEAN Agrees to Build Electric Car Ecosystem

Jokowi bersama para pemimpin negara ASEAN
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  • ASEAN2023 Host Photografer

VIVA – The Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) conveyed the results of the 42nd ASEAN Summit in Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) on May 9-11, 2023. The ASEAN Leaders agreed to strengthen cooperation in the economic sector.

Jokowi Kagum Lihat Produk Alpukat dan Gula Aren saat Kunjungi Desa Peron

"ASEAN agreed to build an electric car ecosystem and become a significant part of the world supply chain. So, downstream the industry is key," President Jokowi said as quoted from the Presidential Secretary's Youtube on Thursday. 

In addition, the implementation of local currency transactions and digital payment connectivity between countries agreed to be strengthened, President Joko Widodo added. 

Jokowi Blusukan ke Temanggung Temui Petani Kopi, Minta Jaga Kualitas

He also said: "This is in line with ASEAN centrality so that ASEAN will be stronger and more independent."

Presiden Jokowi melakukan konferensi pers pada pertemuan pemimpin KTT ASEAN 2023

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Heboh Rayyanza Dapat Kado Ultah Tiket ke Labuan Bajo dari Temannya, Netizen: Enggak ada yang kasih kado sabun?

Furthermore, according to President Jokowi, Indonesia wants to see ASEAN become strong and can handle various challenges ahead. Then, be responsive to dynamics and continue to play a central role in the region.

"Therefore, I invite the leaders to sail together on a pinisi ship, so the atmosphere is relaxed and familial," he said.

Because ASEAN is a family in a strongly bond and its unity is important to sail towards the same goal, "Making ASEAN the center of growth and a peaceful, stable, and prosperous region," the President stated. 

Presiden ke-7 RI Jokowi buka suara soal larangan pameran lukisan Yos Suparto

Jokowi Tegaskan Tak Pernah Minta Perpanjangan Jabatan: Tanyakan ke Bu Mega!

"Ini saya ulangi lagi, tidak pernah yang namanya saya meminta perpanjangan tiga periode kepada siapa pun," kata Jokowi di Solo, Senin, 30 Desember 2024.

30 Desember 2024