Indonesia and Laos Find Solutions to Handle Human Trafficking

President Joko Widodo and Prime Minister of Laos Sonexay Siphandone
Sumber :

VIVA – The Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) together with Laos Prime Minister Sonexay Siphandone met on Tuesday to discuss how to handle human trafficking in the ASEAN regions. This meeting was held at Hotel Meruorah, Labuan Bajo, Manggarai Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur. 

Jokowi Kagum Lihat Produk Alpukat dan Gula Aren saat Kunjungi Desa Peron

According to Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi, both leaders emphasized the importance of both countries enhancing cooperation in eradicating human trafficking, especially in ASEAN member countries. 

Not only that, but they also discuss several economic cooperation between Laos and Indonesia, "The economic cooperation including in the fields of energy and transportation," the Minister informed. 

Two Human Trafficking Suspects to Laos Arrested in Aceh

Ilustrasi perdagangan manusia.

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  • U-Report

She also said: "Mr. President conveyed some cooperation between Indonesian SOEs, including cooperation between PLN and Electricite Du Laos, then procurement of aircraft from PT DI for the Lao air force, and also procurement of trains from PT Inka for PetroTrade Laos Company." 

2 Pelaku Perdagangan Orang ke Laos Ditangkap di Aceh, Modusnya Begini

In the meeting, President Widodo was also accompanied by Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi, Minister of State Secretary Pratikno, and Minister of Trade Zulfikli Hasan. 

Presiden ke-7 RI Jokowi buka suara soal larangan pameran lukisan Yos Suparto

Jokowi Tegaskan Tak Pernah Minta Perpanjangan Jabatan: Tanyakan ke Bu Mega!

"Ini saya ulangi lagi, tidak pernah yang namanya saya meminta perpanjangan tiga periode kepada siapa pun," kata Jokowi di Solo, Senin, 30 Desember 2024.

30 Desember 2024