Celebrate May Day, President Jokowi Promises to Bring More Investors

Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi)
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  • Tangkapan layar Youtube Sekretariat Presiden

VIVA – Celebrate May Day, on Monday, May 1, 2023, Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) promises that government continue to invite investors to invest in Indonesia. It aims to increase employment opportunities for the community.  

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The government is trying to invite domestic and foreign investment in order to increase employment opportunities, reduce unemployment, and improve the welfare of workers, and laborers," President Joko Widodo stated. 

President also said on the momentum of May Day must also be used to continue expanding employment opportunities to improve the competitiveness of workers.

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Photo :
  • VIVA/M Ali Wafa

"We must use this momentum to continue to expand employment opportunities, improve the welfare of workers and laborers, protect the rights of workers and laborers, and increase national productivity and competitiveness," the President said on Monday. 

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Efforts to improve human resources were mainly carried out through the development of vocational education, the President Jokowi added. 

"Efforts to upskill and reskill workers and laborers must also continue through pre-employment programs. As well as through vocational training centers conducted by the government, community, and industry,"

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28 Februari 2025

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