Eating Fried Foods May Cause Risk of Anxiety and Depression

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  • U-Report

VIVA – Recently, new research suggest that what we eat may not only affect us physically but mentally too. Specifically, a new study conducted at tje St. Louis School of Medicine at Washington University has linked a diet high in the consumptipn of fried food with increased risk of anxiety and depression.

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The study involved 140,728 people and revealed that regular consumption of fried foods carries a 12% and 7% higher risk of anxiety and depression, respectively.

The researchers conclude that frequent fried food consumption is “strongly associated” with a higher risk of anxiety and depression due to a contaminant in fried foods known as acrylamide.

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This contaminant was shown to trigger neuroinflammation and lipid metabolism disturbance, which can affect mental health.

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Veronica Tan Sebut Ekonomi Perempuan Tak Terjamin Jadi Penyebab Masalah Mental Health hingga Bullying

While these findings may be disappointing to lovers of fried foods, they also offer a silver lining. By paying closer attention to what we eat, we may be able to help reduce our risk of some mood disorders.

“The connection between food and mood is far more complex than is sometimes reported. However, there are certainly dietary patterns that appear to be protective,” says Rohini Bajekal, a nutritionist and a board-certified lifestyle medicine professional at Plant Based Health Professionals, as quoted on Friday.

“The results of this study are in line with what we would expect to see and are further confirmation of decades of research showing that fried and unhealthy foods in the standard Western diet increase the risk of common chronic diseases and mental health conditions,” Bajeka continued. 

One of the reasons that fried foods are associated with higher instances of anxiety and depression is that they cause inflammation in the body which is correlated with anxious and depressive symptoms.

Megan Hilbert, a registered dietitian at Top Nutrition Coaching, cites a 2017 study called the SMILES Trial that notes that mental health outcomes were greatly improved when a control group followed a diet high in anti-inflammatory foods for 12 weeks.

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  • U-Report

“A diet high in fried foods contributes to neuroinflammation, or inflammation in the brain, since fried foods produce compounds known as advanced glycation end productions which adhere to tissue, damage them, and cause inflammation,” Hilbert said.

She notes that research is still being done on this topic, but, she says, it’s hypothesized that inflammation may decrease the release of dopamine and also blunt the areas of the brain that are associated with reward.

In addition, fried foods are typically lacking in fiber, phytonutrients, and healthy fats which are shown to positively impact brain health. In turn, this can have an impact on your gut.

Hilbert also said: “A lack of these compounds can cause a breakdown in how the gut and the brain communicate with each other,"

"Upwards of 90 to 95% of our serotonin is made in the gut, and so it’s hypothesized that imbalances in our gut microbiota influence the production of these neurotransmitters, which in turn, impacts our mood negatively.” she added.

According to the study authors, acrylamide may be the main chemical that is doing the damage when it comes to mental health.

“Acrylamide is a chemical that can naturally form in certain starchy foods when roasted, fried, or baked at high temperatures. Studies have shown that acrylamide is carcinogenic in animals and may be carcinogenic to humans.” Hilbert explained.

However, Hilbert says it’s important to note that in animal studies, concentrations of acrylamide used were at very high doses.

“We currently do not have solid evidence that acrylamide poses this same threat to humans even after 20 years of research into the topic,” She said.

Then, there is lipid metabolism, the process by which fats are broken down and stored as energy. The authors of the study say high consumption of fried food disrupts this process.

The lipid composition in the brain has been recognized as something that plays a role in neuron function, and these neurons play an important role in how the brain communicates, Hilbert told.

She added: "When this communication is disturbed we can see functional behavior adaptations like anxiety and depression."

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