Jokowi Asks Travelers Avoid the Peak of Eid Homecoming Return Flow

Presiden Jokowi.
Sumber :
  • Biro Pers Sekretariat Presiden.

VIVA – The Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) asked people who are enjoying the Eid homecoming moment to avoid the peak of the return flow and should organize the return time better. It is known, the government predicts the return flow will start on April 24-25, 2023. 

Budi Arie Bantah Pertemuan Jokowi-Hashim Bahas Partai Super Tbk

"Therefore, for people who do not have urgent needs to delay their return to the capital city," President Jokowi stated on Monday. 

The president also stated: "To break up the accumulation that occurs at the peak of the return flow on April 24 and 25, 2023 simultaneously, the government invites people who do not have an urgent need to avoid the peak of the return flow by delaying or postponing their homecoming schedule after April 26, 2023."

Adik Prabowo Temui Jokowi di Solo, Projo: Ketemu Kawan Lama Masa Nggak Boleh?

The government, according to President Jokowi, has successfully managed the flow of the Eid 2023 homecoming, so it can run better and smoother. Based on data from the Ministry of Transportation, there are at least 203 thousand vehicles that will return from the east and go through the Trans Java toll road.

Gerbang Tol Cikampek Utama Saat Arus Mudik 2023

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Jokowi Ingin Dirikan Partai Super Tbk, PKB: Parpol Bukan Perusahaan

"Data from the Ministry of Transportation predicts that at least 203,000 vehicles per day from the East, the Trans Java Toll Road, and from the direction of Bandung are expected to pass through the Jakarta-Cikampek toll road. Of course, this is a very large number compared to the normal number of 53,000 vehicles," Jokowi said.

To avoid extreme congestion, people who do not have an urgent need to delay returning to the capital city or other overseas areas. Jokowi said this provision also applies to the civil servant, Indonesian National Army, and State-Owned Enterprise and the technicalities can be arranged by each agency.

"This provision applies to the civil servant, Indonesian National Army, and State-Owned Enterprise or private employees whose technicalities can be regulated by their respective agencies or companies such as additional leave or other forms of leave," he asked. 

Hashim bertemu Jokowi di Solo

Hashim Bocorkan Hasil Pertemuan dengan Jokowi di Solo: Bawa Pesan dari Prabowo

Adik Presiden RI Prabowo Subianto, Hashim Djojohadikusumo menemui Presiden ke-7 RI Joko Widodo atau Jokowi. Pertemuan dua jam lebih itu berlangsung di Solo, rumah Jokowi.

7 Maret 2025