Three Signs of Colon Cancer that People Should Never Ignore

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VIVA – Colorectal cancer, also known as colon cancer, is a type of cancer that begins in the large intestine (colon) or rectum.

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Data from Globocan 2020 estimates there are 9,503,710 new cancer cases and 5,809,431 cancer deaths in Asia. Meanwhile,  in Indonesia colon cancer is cancer with the fifth highest mortality rate.

Chairman of the Indonesian Cancer Foundation, Prof. Dr. Aru Wisaksono Sudoyo said the symptoms of colorectal cancer that can appear are diarrhea, constipation, incomplete bowel movements, nausea, vomiting, and body fatigue.

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"However, there are actually three more typical symptoms, namely weight loss without cause, excessive weakness due to anemia due to bleeding at the rectum at the end of the colon or bloody bowel movements, and changes in bowel patterns, which are also often considered hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids," he said in a webinar entitled Recognize, Understand and Make Friends with Colorectal Cancer with Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD) Indonesia, some time ago.

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The change in bowel pattern is usually in the form of a different texture every day and this is often missed by patients and doctors. Many medical personnel assumes that this sign is a symptom of an ambien so the treatment is too late.

"80 percent of bleeding in the anus is due to hemorrhoids, but this 20 percent can escape if we don't pay attention. So, we have to trace the source (bleeding) from where," he said.

Colon cancer is a malignancy that attacks the tissues of the large intestine (colon) and rectum (the lowest part of the intestine, up to the anus or rectum). Most colorectal cancers begin as growths on the inner lining of the colon or rectum. 

Currently, colorectal cancer treatment available in Indonesia is diverse, namely conventional chemotherapy treatment, targeted therapy and the latest is immunotherapy. These treatment options provide new hope for colorectal cancer patients.

One of the latest treatments, immunotherapy, is an innovative type of cancer treatment that utilizes the body's immunity to attack cancer cells, thus providing a better quality of life and increasing the patient's life expectancy. 

"Colorectal cancer is the type of cancer with the most rapid treatment progress, from surgery to immunotherapy," he informed. 

Colon cancer, besides being life-threatening, also provides challenges for survivors, such as discomfort, stress, and so on. 

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