Five Sacred Animals and Symbolism throughout the World

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VIVA – Respecting animals is considered sacred or the embodiment of God is known as Zoolatry. This culture or ritual can be found in several countries and cultures of ancient peoples. 

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Sacred animal worship can be related to a relationship with the particular deity represented. Well, here are the five sacred animals from different religions and rituals. 

1. Cow

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In India, the cow is considered a sacred animal and is revered as the symbol of wealth, strength, and motherly affection. The cow is seen as a provider of milk, which is considered a vital food for many Hindus. It is also believed that the cow is a manifestation of several Hindu deities. 

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2. Lion

Harimau di kandang (Foto ilustrasi)

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  • VIVA/Vicky Fazri

According to Korean folklore, majestic tigers are considered the guardians of the West and are also divine spirits. They are symbols of strength and courage and are believed to ward off evil and bring good luck. 

2. Elephant


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  • ANTARA FOTO/Ampelsa

The elephant is a powerful symbol of good luck and wealth in India. In a sacred Hindu text called Rig Veda, the elephant is described as the only animal which has a hand. Elephants were used by royalty and are still status symbols today. 

3. Cats 

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Domesticated cats were one of the most sacred animals in Egypt. The ancient Egyptians revered cats to control snakes and pests, making cats a symbol of tranquility and grace. 

The ancient Egyptians believed cats were mystical animals, with the ability to bring good luck to those who kept them. To honor these precious pets, wealthy families adorned cats with jewelry and fed them like royalty. 

4. Bear

Beruang Hitam (Ilustrasi)

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In many Native American religions, the bear is considered a sacred animal that represents strength, courage, and wisdom. Bears are often associated with healing and protection, and many Native American tribes have bear ceremonies and dances as part of their spiritual practices.

5. Snake 

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In ancient Egyptian religion, the snake was a sacred animal that was associated with the goddess Wadjet. The snake was seen as a symbol of protection and was often depicted on the crowns of pharaohs. 

The cobra, in particular, was seen as a protective deity and was often depicted in the form of the uraeus, a symbol that was worn by pharaohs and other high-ranking officials.

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