UN Praises Malaysia's Decision to Revoke Mandatory Death Penalty

Ilustrasi/Hukuman mati.
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  • U-Report

VIVA – United Nations (UN) human rights experts on today praises decision by the Malaysia to revoke the death penalty for many serious crimes – a decision that could potentially spare the lives of 1,300 prisoners on death row. 

Satgas Marinir Ambalat XXX Gagalkan Penyelundupan Senjata dan Amunisi Kaliber 5.56 Mm di Perbatasan Malaysia

“The decision bolsters the global trend towards universal abolition,” the experts stated. 

Malaysian parliament voted last week to replaced the mandatory death penalty with alternative sentences in relation to 11 crimes including murder and terrorism, and gives judges the discretion to consider mitigating circumstances and commuting sentences for these offenses.

KP2MI Berupaya Pulangkan Ribut Uripah, PMI yang Hilang 19 Tahun di Malaysia

According to the experts, the new law will apply retroactively, allowing those on death row 90 days to seek a review of their sentences.

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  • vstory
Janjian dengan Teman Laki-lakinya, Perempuan Malaysia Ini Selundupkan Sabu di Dalam Alat Kelamin

UN human rights experts emphasized the death penalty is incompatible with basic principles of human rights and dignity. 

"It denies judges the possibility to consider the defendant's circumstances or the circumstances of the particular offense and individualize the sentence," the UN explained, as reported by an official statement. 

UN experts expressed hope that the decision will pave the way for the complete abolition of the death penalty in Malaysia, and eventually across the region. 

Mirzan Meer dan Pevita Pearce

Menikah dengan Pengusaha Malaysia, Pevita Pearce Ngaku Bingung Kalau Ditanya Soal Ini

Pevita Pearce beberapa waktu yang lalu mengejutkan publik lantaran mengumumkan pernikahannya dengan pengusaha asal Malaysia, Mirzan Meer.

13 Maret 2025