Dubai and Medina Become the Safest Cities for Solo Female Travelers

Kota Dubai
Sumber :
  • Business Insider

VIVA – Solo travel has become increasingly popular in recent years, as more people are seeking the independence and adventure that comes with traveling alone. However, traveling alone can also have its challenges, such as safety concerns and loneliness. So, it is important for solo travelers to know their destination and stay aware of their surroundings. 

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Recently, Saudi Arabia’s city, Dubai and Medina become the safest cities for solo travelers, especially for women. Not only have amazing views, but they are also become the safest cities in the world

According to InsureMyTrip, one of the leading online travel insurance comparison platforms ranked 65 cities in terms of cost, safety, gender equality, and tourism.

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Masjid Nabawi di Kota Madinah Arab Saudi

Photo :
  • SPA

The Saudi city, of Medina, is declared the safest destination in the world, which secured a 9.29 out of 10 for public safety and a 9.3 out of 10 for “no concern about attacks based on gender”. Similarly, it also has a rating of 82.75 for feeling safe while walking at night alone.

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As far as Dubai is concerned, it has topped the charts for being the safest city in the world for solo female travelers, scoring 10 out of 10 for “feeling safe walking at night alone”. The company scored 8.95 for the general safety. 

Dubai beat New York for best tourism experience, scoring 9.78 points in the “quality of things to do” category and 5 out of 5 points for TikTok’s popularity.


Gandeng Dubai Chamber, vOffice Buka Pintu Perusahaan RI Ekspansi Bisnis

Penyedia layanan persewaan kantor dan bisnis pertama asal Indonesia, vOffice, berekspansi hingga ke Dubai.

12 Oktober 2024