Doctors, Health Workers Have Big Role in Human Resource Development
VIVA – Doctors and health workers play big and significant role to support human resource development programs in Indonesia, according to Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Cultural Affairs Muhadjir Effendy.
"Doctors and health workers play a strategic role in realizing human resources that are mentally and physically healthy," he said after the Indonesian Doctors Ramadhan Pesantren Activities on Sunday.
Minister explained recently government continues to optimize human resource development programs to realize quality generation, "the preparation of an excellent and quality next generation of the nation needs to be supported by good quality health conditions, considering that the two are one unit that needs to be prepared from early on."
He added that improving health quality in people of productive age, i.e. 15-64 years, is also critical so that they can play an active role in national development.
Therefore, the role of doctors and health workers as the frontline of public health development is important.
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Minister Effendy also said that doctors and health workers are expected to make innovative breakthroughs to support human resource development through sustainable health programs.
"Let us together ensure the nation's next generation can actively contribute to building a developed and prosperous Indonesia through sustainable development in the field of health," he said.
Minister also encouraged doctors and health workers to continuously contribute to the national health transformation.
"Doctors and health workers, of course, understand that currently, a national health system transformation is being carried out. A simultaneous improvement will be carried out to create a good national health system to present blessings and good health," he concluded.