Ministry and Police Prepare Three Traffic Schemes for Eid Homecoming
- ANTARA FOTO/Dedhez Anggara
VIVA – The Transportation Ministry, Traffic Corps of the National Police, as well as the Public Works and Public Housing Ministry, have prepared three traffic management schemes during the 2023 Eid homecoming and backflow periods.
"Through Joint Decrees Number: KP-DRJD 2616 of 2023, SKB/48/IV/2023, 05/PKS/Db/2023 concerning the regulation of Road Traffic Arrangements and Crossings During the Homecoming and Backflow Periods during the Homecoming and return Period of the 2023/1444 Hijri Eid al-Fitr, it has been determined that the implementation of the one-way system, contraflow system, and even odd system applies simultaneously in the homecoming flow and also in the two return flow periods," Director General of Land Transportation, Hendro Sugiatno stated on Wednesday.
The one-way scheme will be implemented during the homecoming period on April 18-20, 2023, starting from Kilometer (KM) 72 of the Cikampek Toll Gate to KM 414 of the Kalikangkung Toll Gate.
Ilustrasi kendaraan pemudik.
- ANTARA FOTO/Oky Lukmansyah/nz/18
It will be implemented on April 18 from 2 pm Western Indonesia Time (WIB) until midnight as well as on April 19, 20, and 21 from 8 am local time until midnight.
"Meanwhile, during the first return period, the scheme will be applied from KM 414 (Kalikangkung Toll Gate) to KM 72 (Cikampek Toll Gate) on Monday (April 24) from 2 pm Western Indonesian Time (WIB) to midnight,” the director general said.
His side will also implement the one-way scheme from April 25 at 8 am until April 26 at 8 am local time along the same route.
During the second return period, his side will also implement the scheme from KM 414 of the Kalikangkung Toll Gate to KM 72 of the Cikampek Toll Gate on April 29 from 2 pm until midnight and on April 30 from 8 am until midnight.
In addition, it will be applied from May 1 at 8 am until May 2 at 8 am along the same route.
Furthermore, Sugiatno stated that the contraflow scheme will be implemented from KM 47 of the West Karawang Toll Gate to KM 72 of the Cikampek Toll Gate concurrently with the one-way scheme.
Meanwhile, the odd-even vehicle plate number restriction scheme will be implemented from KM 47 of the West Karawang Toll Gate to KM 414 of the Kalikangkung Toll Gate at the same time along with the other two schemes, he explained.