The Right and Healthy Guideline Stages of Iftar Meals

Ilustrasi berbuka puasa.
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VIVA – During Ramadhan, Iftar is the most eagerly awaited time of the day. However, many people ignore the recommendations when breaking the fast that is right and healthy. Even though, the right stages of Iftar meals can help in having a healthy and balanced meal after a long day of fasting. Here are some general guideline stages can be followed:

Wacana Libur Sekolah Selama Bulan Puasa, Ketum PBNU Jawab Begini

1. Start with Dates and Water, it is a Sunnah to break the fast with dates and water. Dates provide a quick boost of energy, and water helps to rehydrate the body.

2. Soup or Salad, after having dates and water, it is a good idea to have some soup or salad. Soup can provide nutrients and hydration, and it is also a good way to warm up the stomach before having heavier foods. Salad can provide a good dose of fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

Soal Wacana Sekolah Libur Sebulan Selama Ramadhan, Begini Jawaban MUI

Ilustrasi buka puasa.

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3. Main Course, for the main course, it is important to have a balanced meal that includes protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Examples of main courses can be grilled chicken or fish, brown rice or whole-wheat pasta, and vegetables.

Mendikdasmen Sebut Belum Ada Pembahasan soal Wacana Libur Sekolah Selama Ramadhan

4. Dessert, after the main course, it is okay to have a small dessert, but it is important to choose something that is not too heavy or sugary. Examples of light desserts can be fresh fruit, yogurt, or a small piece of cake.

5. End with Tea, it is a good idea to end the meal with a cup of tea, which can help with digestion and provide a sense of relaxation.

6. Bad iftar habits to avoid

Unfortunately, the Indonesian habit of eating fried foods is still difficult to avoid. While it's fine to enjoy these foods occasionally, avoid consuming them every day. Similarly, avoid starchy foods such as noodles and pasta, sugar such as sweets and cakes, and other processed foods.

Eating heavy meals and sweet cakes after hours of fasting can disrupt your digestive system and hinder the benefits of fasting.

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