The Unusual Nicknames of Five Southeast Asian Countries
VIVA – Nicknames are a way of shortening the name of a country, making it easier to say and remember. These nicknames can be based on the country’s physical features, culture, or history. Well, there are some countries, especially in Southeast Asia that have unusual nicknames because of their characteristics. Here’s the list.
1. Philippines (The Pearl of the Orient)
This nickname refers to the country's location in Southeast Asia, where it shines like a pearl in the vast ocean. It also symbolizes the country's beauty and natural resources.
2. Thailand (Land of Smiles and Land of White Elephant)
Ilustrasi Thailand.
One of the Southeast Asian countries that have nicknames is Thailand. This country is known as "Land of Smiles" because of the friendly and welcoming nature of its people. This country also has another nickname, namely, land of the White Elephant.
Thai people are known to be very sacred to elephants. Historically, the white elephant was the animal that became Siddartha Gautama's vehicle to the sacred tree to meditate.
In addition, the white elephant is also a symbol of the Kingdom of Thailand and an endemic animal of the country. Thailand regards the white elephant as a symbol of wealth, power, and good fortune.
3. Vietnam (The Land of the Blue Dragon)
Vietnam is known as "The Land of the Blue Dragon" because of the country's association with the dragon, a symbol of power, strength, and good fortune in Vietnamese culture.
4. Cambodia (The Kingdom of Wonder)
Ilustrasi Angkor, Tuk Tuk di Kamboja
- Pixabay/ travel photographer
Cambodia is often called "The Kingdom of Wonder" because of its rich history, ancient temples, and beautiful landscapes.
5. Indonesia (The Emerald of the Equator)
Indonesia is known as "The Emerald of the Equator" because this homeland is on the equator or equatorial path. Pontianak is a city in Indonesia that is directly passed by the route.
More specifically, the word emerald is also pinned because Indonesia is a rich, exotic, and beautiful country. In addition, emeralds are also known as precious stones. Overall, Indonesia has at least 16,766 islands listed as of 2022.