Indonesia Wins 7 Medals at Finswimming World Cup: Ready for SEA Games

Atlet Selam Indonesia Torehkan 7 Medali
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VIVA – The Indonesian diving contingent from the Indonesian Diving Sports Association (PB POSSI) successfully won 7 medals consisting of 4 golds, 2 silvers, and 1 bronze at the Finswimming World Cup 2023 in Lignano, Italy.

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According to the Chairman of PB POSSI, Major General TNI (Mar) Widodo Dwi Purwanto, the seven medals were successfully got from various numbers contested.

"The 4 gold medals were each presented by Kaisar Hansel in the 50 bifins boys and 400 bifins boys, Andityo - Josephine - Marcello - Ressa in the 4 X 100 bifins mix relay number, and Janis Rosalita in the 100 surface women's number," Purwanto said when picking up a group of athletes at Terminal 3 Soekarno Hatta Airport, Tangerang, Banten, on Tuesday.

Resmi Dilantik KONI Pusat, Ketum PBPI Galih Kartasasmita Siap Kembangkan Padel Indonesia

By participating in the 2023 finswimming world cup which is used as one of the trial events. Purwanto also emphasized that he would still evaluate the results obtained, so the Indonesian diving contingent can get more achievements at the next Sea Games.

"This trial can at least add to the contingent's readiness and confidence when competing in the Cambodia Sea Games," he remarked.

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The 2023 finswimming world cup event held in Italy was attended by 24 countries with a total of 726 athletes. Of the total number of athletes, dominated by athletes from mainland Europe, as for Asia followed by athletes from Indonesia and Taiwan.

Furthermore, Deputy Chairman of PB POSSI, Brigadier General of Police Makhruzi said that after participating in the finswimming world championship, the Indonesian diving team could measure their strength to compete in the next event such as the Sea Games in Cambodia in May 2023.

"The results of this event are an instrument to measure the Indonesian national finswimming team to compete in the Sea Games in Cambodia. Evaluation will certainly be carried out so that it can be seen to what extent the implementation of Pelatnas has been running and what must be improved and pursued during the next 1,5 months ahead of the Sea Games," he said.

Ketum PB POSSI, Irjen Makhruzi Rahman

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Irjen Makhruzi Rahman, Ketua Umum Pengurus Besar Persatuan Olahraga Selam Indonesia (PB POSSI), mengumumkan bahwa untuk pertama kalinya sejak berdirinya PB POSSI

19 Maret 2025