Jokowi Appreciates Various Parties Through COVID-19 Handling Awards
VIVA – The Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) handed over awards to various parties who have contributed and worked hard in efforts to handle the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. The award ceremony was held at the Dhanapala Building, Ministry of Finance, Jakarta, on Monday.
In his remarks, the President revealed that various parties considered Indonesia as a country that successfully handled the COVID-19 pandemic. Not only considered able to reduce the number of COVID-19 but Indonesia is also considered to be able to maintain economic stability and growth.
"In June 2022, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom said that Indonesia's handling of COVID-19 was among the best, especially for vaccine coverage. Then in September 2021, Johns Hopkins University also said that Indonesia is one of the best in the world in reducing COVID-19 cases," the President said on Monday.
The successful handling of this pandemic is supported by the cooperation of all parties, starting from the central and regional governments, health workers, TNI-Polri, the private sector, community organizations, academics, and of course the society.
Pandemi Covid-19.
- times of india
The President added that the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic shows the extraordinarily great power of Indonesia. This strength can not only be used for all of the nation's big agendas but can also be used to deal with other diseases such as tuberculosis, handling stunting, increasing food production, and reducing poverty.
The award for COVID-19 Handling was given by the President to 41 governors, 102 community health centers (puskesmas), 59 hospitals, 100 laboratories, 79 vaccination centers, 18 telemedicine services, 26 WGS (Whole Genome Sequencing) laboratories, 38 mass media and influencer industries, 5 academics and experts, 7 religious organizations, 34 friendly countries, 13 state-owned enterprises, 28 international organizations, 110 foreign private companies, 179 domestic companies, and 30 non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
"To those of you who received the community activity restriction (PPKM) Award, I congratulate you. Let us continue this dedication to solve various humanitarian and national problems, and build Indonesia into a developed country," the President concluded.