65,000 Quota for Free Homecoming Program with SOEs

Ilustrasi kendaraan pemudik tujuan Sumatera antre memasuki kapal Roro di Pelabuhan Merak, Banten.
Sumber :
  • ANTARA/Hafidz Mubarak

VIVA – The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) provides more than 65,000 free homecoming quotas in the "Free Homecoming with SOEs" program under the coordination of PT Jasa Raharja to reduce the number of accidents during the Eid-al Fitr 2023 or 1444 Hijri homecoming flow.

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President Director of Jasa Raharja, Rivan A. Purwantono said the free homecoming quota increased from the previous similar program in 2022 which was 40 thousand.

"We will prepare this entirely and more than 60 SOEs will collaborate together," Purwantono said in Bandung, West Java, on Wednesday.

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He mentioned that the free homecoming quota of more than 65 thousand details is 46,523 passengers with 1,009 buses, 15,658 passengers with 30 trains, and 2,562 passengers with seven ships.

Sejumlah kendaraan pemudik melintas di tol Cipali, Palimanan, Cirebon, Jabar/Ilustrasi mudik.

Photo :
  • ANTARA FOTO/Dedhez Anggara
Contoh Jepang, Begini Langkah Jasa Raharja dan Korlantas Polri Tekan Angka Kecelakaan

The addition of the free homecoming quota from 40,000 to 65,000 was adjusted to the predicted number of travelers in 2023, which jumped to 123 million people from 85 million people in 2022.

To mitigate the risk of traffic accidents, Rivan urged people going home, especially with two-wheeled vehicles, to take advantage of the "Free Homecoming with SOEs" program to make it safer and more comfortable.

He added that most of the vehicles involved in accidents in the 2022 Eid al-Fitr homecoming were two-wheeled vehicles or motorcycles, which amounted to 77.4 percent.

"If you want to force your will, riding a motorcycle for more than six hours is certainly not good, especially with family," Purwantono explained.

In the free homecoming program by SOEs, he added, each family can register a maximum of four people. The departure point will be centered at Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) Senayan, Jakarta, as well as several other areas.

In addition to the free homecoming program, Jasa Raharja is also involved with various homecoming preparation activities, one of which is minimizing truck-type vehicles crossing the highway during the homecoming moment.

Meanwhile, Assistant Deputy for Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) of the Ministry of SOEs Edi Eko Cahyono said registration for the program began to open online on Wednesday. The registration mechanism can be seen on the official channel of the Ministry of SOEs.

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