Young Generation Contributes to Achieve Net Zero Emissions 2060
- Pixabay
VIVA – President Director of Bakrie & Brothers, Anindya Novyan Bakrie expressed his pride in Bakrie University Students as the initiator of IYSDGs 2023, while encouraging the efforts of the younger generation in realizing SDGs. According to him, this is an important contribution to helping the government's efforts to achieve net zero emissions in 2060.
"Congratulations to Bakrie University for organizing the Indonesian Youth SDGs Summit 2023. This is a very proud moment because the effect must be felt by all levels of society. And this is very important not only because of its successful implementation, but this can help the government's efforts to achieve net zero emissions in 2060," Anindya Bakrie said when giving a speech through video, on Saturday.
"And for the Bakrie business group this is a real example, that we contribute to the development of future generations or what we call the generation to build the country," he continued.
Furthermore, he advised that this step is sustainable by requiring a public market partnership. This is also for the sake of sustainability in the business world.
Presiden Direktur Bakrie & Brothers, Anindya Novyan Bakrie
- VIVA/Agus Setiawan
"There are two things I want to say, Â powerful public market partnerships are very useful for making sustainable SDGs. Because after all, SDGs with very good intentions without relationships from the business sector is very difficult to be sustainable. So not only sustainable in terms of the environment but also sustainable in the business world," explained Bakrie.
"And finally, the Bakrie Group as one of the pioneers of electrification efforts in Indonesia is an example that is hopefully useful for other groups to follow how each can take part in overall decarbonization efforts," he added.
As known, the Indonesian Youth SDGs Summit 2023 (IYSDGs) held a national meeting at the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia, Central Jakarta on Saturday, March 11, 2023. The event was attended by more than 200 registrants who were dominated by Indonesian youth.
The Indonesian Youth SDGs Summit 2023 collaborated with various youth communities, such as Youthopia, Rumah Energi, Greenwelfare, Greeneration Foundation, I Love Energi Surya,, Rise Foundation, Ecodeen, International Association for Public Participation Indonesia, and others.
This event succeeded in becoming a forum for Indonesian youth to work on realizing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In addition, this event also received support from the Bakrie Business Group (KUB), Multi Kontrol Nusantara, and Bakrie Global as well as tvOne,, and ANTV.
Moreover, some participants also thanked the Indonesian Youth SDGs Summit for holding an event that discussed Sustainable Development Goals. The participants felt that IYSDGs were a start for them to care more about the environment from an early age for the future.