Malaysia Airlines MH370 Disappearance Still an Unsolved Mystery
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VIVA – The disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 on March 8, 2014, in the Indian Ocean is still an unsolved mystery and leaves sad memories.
The plane, which was flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing carrying 227 passengers and 12 crew members, was known to have lost contact with Malaysian aviation authorities after takeoff.
Until now, the MH370 plane has never been found, and its cause is still a mystery. Even the search assisted by various countries in the Indian Ocean was fruitless. During the search, some airplane debris was found, but there is no certainty about any of it.
Based on official investigations conducted by the authorities, it was found that the plane's transponder had been turned off and the plane may have veered off its flight path and flown in an unknown direction.
The mystery of the disappearance of flight MH370 even gave many conspiracy theories ranging from technical failures, human negligence, and criminal acts to terrorism. However, none of these conspiracy theories can be confirmed.
Bagian pesawat yang diduga berasal dari MH370
Moreover, the most common possibility that has emerged from the public regarding the cause of the incident is that MH370 was hijacked by terrorists or militant groups. Some think that there is a government conspiracy involved in this incident.
Well, some suspect that Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 was shot down by the Chinese or US military as a threat. It is also suspected that the plane was hidden by unknown parties for future use as a weapon or other purposes. However, there is no evidence of conspiracy and other theories.
The search for flight MH370 was also officially stopped by the authorities because it did not produce any results and found a bright spot. Even the families of the victims had to raise funds privately to continue the search for their family members.
Furthermore, this mystery event is made into a series on the Netflix platform with the title MH370: The Plane That Disappeared.