Digital Transformation Expansion in the Central Region of Indonesia

Penandatanganan kerja sama MoU APJII dan EBTEL
Sumber :
  • Arianti Widya

VIVA – Central Indonesian regions such as Sulawesi and Kalimantan are still experiencing gaps in digital infrastructure development. So, it has led the Association of Internet Service Providers in Indonesia (APJII) to collaborate with PT Era Bangun Telecomindo (EBTEL) to overcome this problem by signing an MoU agreement.

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"I see Sulawesi is still lacking in internet penetration. So, our goal is to collaborate with APJII to develop and expand a stable and quality network there." President Director of PT Era Bangun Teelecomindo, Eddy BJ Sihombing said at APJII Multipurpose Room, South Jakarta, Wednesday.

This cooperation aims to help government programs to digital transformation in the regions by providing fiber optic networks starting from PoP networks with capacities ranging from 100G to be used by APJII members, both Local ISPs and Operators who will open services in the Central part of Indonesia, especially Sulawesi, and Kalimantan.

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"I hope this cooperation can be well established and a win-win business solution," Sihombing added.

Penandatanganan kerja sama MoU APJII dan EBTEL

Photo :
  • Arianti Widya
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On the same occasion, APJII Chairman, Muhammad Arif mentioned a little about the results of the internet user survey that had just been released. He said that internet users in 2022-2023 increased but it was not significant.

"I think this is just the rest because I see Sulawesi in big cities, almost 70% of people have received internet services, so yes, only the rest are not well covered. I think this cooperation can increase internet penetration in Indonesia," Arif remarked.

With the development of this digital tranformation, it is expected that many people in the central part of Indonesia will get a comprehensive internet network.

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