Indonesia Needs More Specialist Doctors, President Jokowi Conveys

Presiden Jokowi
Sumber :
  • VIVA/BS Putra

VIVA – President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) encourages the increase of specialist doctors to improve health services in Indonesia. This was conveyed by President in his speech during the inauguration of Mayapada Hospital Bandung, West Java on Monday.

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“We still have problems in the country. There are not enough specialist doctors or doctors who have subspecialists. I have also told the health minister that this issue needs to be handled.” President stated.

President Jokowi assessed that in addition to having good physical facilities, the presence of a sufficient number of specialists and subspecialists can create better health services for the community.

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"Many medical devices and physical spaces are already good, but some are not good, i mean it must be improved, so hospital services to the community become better," he explained. 

Ilustrasi dokter/rumah sakit.

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  • Freepik
Jokowi Blusukan ke Temanggung Temui Petani Kopi, Minta Jaga Kualitas

For this reason, President Joko Widodo asked the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology to increase and facilitate the education of specialist doctors.

"Later, I will convey to the Minister of Education and Culture for the education of specialist doctors to be increased and facilitated."

Meanwhile, Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin said that the government continues to strive to produce more specialist doctors.

"We want to quickly produce qualified specialist doctors, according to the standards of each collegium, and carried out in universities and hospitals. We will continue to coordinate with the Ministry of Education and Culture to resolve obstacles in the field," Minister Sadikin said.

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