IKN Infrastructure Must Consider Security and Disaster Mitigation

Rancangan kawasan dan bangunan gedung di IKN Nusantara.
Sumber :
  • Dok. PUPR

VIVA – The construction of basic infrastructure in the State Capital or IKN Nusantara is claimed to be completed this year. One proof is the Sepaku Dam, whose construction progress has reached 84 percent.

Otorita IKN Usulkan Prabowo Groundbreaking Akhir Desember

"The Sepaku Dam has reached the final stage and is planned to be completed in April. After that, the preparation of clean water infrastructure will begin," the Deputy for Facilities and Infrastructure of the IKN Authority, Silvia Halim stated in the FMB9 Dialogue-themed Geliat IKN Welcoming the Future, quoted Monday.

"The pipeline network from the Sepaku river has also reached 87 percent," she added.

Prabowo Bakal Ngantor IKN Tahun 2028, Puan: Kita Siap Saja

The same applies to housing for 16,990 State Civil Servants and Defense and Security personnel. Halim also revealed that 47 towers are being prepared for those who are included in priority one.

Pembangunan jalan lingkar sepaku yang menjadi konektivitas menuju IKN.

Photo :
  • Dok. PUPR
Presiden Prabowo Diperkirakan Pindah dan Berkantor di IKN pada 2028

She explained that the IKN infrastructure must consider security aspect, including the threat of disasters that hit. This includes disaster mitigation strategies to reduce risks and deal with climate change issues.

"Climate change is a necessity and an obligation in building a city. In this case, one of the parameters in building IKN is weatherproofing," Halim remarked.

Halim ensured that before construction, the government had identified other possible risks, such as natural disasters, landslides, and floods, "Therefore, the infrastructure used to build IKN has been ensured to be resilient to these threats.”

Rusun ASN di Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN) Kalimantan Timur

ASN Pindah ke IKN Habis Lebaran Idul Fitri, Berikut Spesifikasi Rusunnya

Otorita Ibu Kota Nusantara (OIKN) mengungkapkan, pemindahan Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) ke IKN, Kalimantan Timur akan dilakukan pada April 2025 atau setelah lebaran

20 Desember 2024