Baby Alfaro’s Obesity Has Genetic Cause, Rarely in the World

Bayi obesitas, Kenzi.
Sumber :
  • VIVA/Rahmat Fatahillah Ilham

VIVA – A story circulating on social media about an obese 16-month-old baby is still being discussed. Muhammad Kenzi Alfaro weighs 27 kilograms, which is inappropriate for his age. He was finally placed to Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM), Jakarta on Friday.

Canggih! Indonesia Berhasil Lakukan Operasi Jarak Jauh, Dokter di Bali dan Pasien di Jakarta

RSCM Director, dr. Lies Dina Liastuti, said that the baby's condition is still being examined to determine the cause of the baby's obesity, whether there is a history of disease or other causes. She also said that there was a genetic disorder that caused Alfaro's weight to reach 27 kg. It is known that the case of Alfaro's baby is rare in Indonesia and the world.

"Alfaro is still being examined, this is a rare case, so it is not easy to find the cause. Not only because of diet but also because of genetic factors, nutritional problems, and there are not many cases," said dr. Liastuti.

Tingginya Kasus Gagal Ginjal Anak, DPR: Dinkes dan Orang Tua Beri Edukasi Bahaya Jajanan Kaki Lima

Muhammad Kenzi Alfaro

Photo :
  • VIVA/Dani (Bekasi)

So far, dr. Liastuti has not received a definitive diagnosis of the type of obesity suffered by baby Alfaro because laboratory results are still needed. However, from the doctor's initial suspicion, there is a genetic disorder that plays a role in Alfaro's obesity.

Menkes Bakal Panggil Pihak RSCM Buntut Temuan Kasus Gagal Ginjal Anak

"His obesity is unusual, so it needs to be checked first. If a child is fat because he eats a lot, it is normal, but this is not because he eats a lot but there is a genetic disorder," said Liastuti.

The hospital has involved specialists and sub-specialist doctors to help handle Alvaro's case, Liastuti informed.

"There are pediatricians, hepatologists, nutritionists, rare disorders division, all of them are still collaborating to uncover this case," she said.

She estimates that Alvaro's laboratory results will come out in the next 28 days.

Alvaro is a resident of Tarumajaya, Bekasi, West Java. The local government referred him to RSCM about two weeks ago to consult a nutritionist about his weight. The child's medical expenses are covered by BPJS Kesehatan.

Wakil Menteri Kesehatan (Kiri), Dante, Menko PMK (Tengah) Pratikno, Menkes (Kanan) Budi Gunadi Sadikin, Foto: Isra Berlian

100 Orang dirawat di RSCM Lantaran Judi Online, Menkes Minta Masyarakat Lakukan Ini

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9 November 2024