Ministry of Religious Affairs Encourage Implementation of More Transparent and Accountable Hajj
- MCH 2022
VIVA English – The Director General of Hajj and Umrah Implementation at the Ministry of Religious Affairs or Kemenag, Hilman Latief said that they continues to encourage the implementation of a more transparent and accountable Hajj in the future.
"The Ministry of Religion is always open with various parties in formulating policies related to organizing the pilgrimage," Hilman said in an online discussion today.
Hilman said the first thing he would push was service standards. According to him, even though there are already benchmarks, there is a need to improve services for the benefit of the prospective hajj pilgrims.
The second is related to financing standards. According to him, this is important to see future financing projections and service quality can be monitored.
Ribuan Jemaah Haji Tawaf Wada Usai Sholat Subuh
- MCH 2022/Susanto
"Because I don't think we can have a lengthy debate every year in the media about the cost of haj pilgrimage per year. This is what we have seen so far, including this year. Last year I submitted IDR42 million, the same amount as today. I am currently submitting IDR69 million. ," he said.
By formulating financing standards in the future, he said, the implementation of the Hajj would be more systemic and proportional. So that pilgrims can be calmer and know the time of departure and costs.
"Hopefully we will do all of this with various parties to improve Hajj services for pilgrims in Indonesia who are currently registered," he said.
Previously, Indonesia's haj quota for 1444 H amounted to 221,000 people consisting of 203,320 regular haj quota and 17,680 special haj quota.
This number consists of 190,897 regular pilgrims for the current year, 10,166 elderly priority people, 685 supervisors from the Hajj and Umrah Guidance Group elements, and 1,572 regional Hajj officers. The quota for regional Hajj officers is set at a maximum of three people for one flight group. (ant)