Two One Pride MMA Fighters Compete on the Road to UFC 2023
- Ridsha Vimanda Nasution/
VIVA – There is good news from the United States. Two One Pride Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fighters, Billy Pasulatan and Ronal Siahaan will compete in the Road to UFC event. The second edition of Road to UFC will be held again in 2023. The plan is for the 2nd edition of Road to UFC to take place on May 27, 2023, in China.
As reported by the official One Pride website on Tuesday, February 21, 2023, now, two One Pride MMA fighters who are currently participating in The Fight Academy program in the US have tickets for Road to UFC.
Those who got the opportunity were Billy Pasulatan and Ronal Siahaan, two One Pride MMA heroes who are ready to follow in Jeka Saragih's footsteps.
Ronal Siahaan vs Sutrisno di Fight Night 65 One Pride MMA ANTV
- Ridsha Vimanda Nasution/
This news was immediately delivered by MMA coaches Marc Fiore and Graham Boylan at Studio 540, San Diego, United States. Through a video uploaded on Mola's official Instagram, Marc Fiore said that Billy and Ronal received golden tickets for the Road to UFC.
"This is new news, Billy and Ronal are fighting in the flyweight class (56.7kg)," Marc Fiore was quoted by from Instagram on Monday, February 20, 2023.
"They got a rare opportunity for the Road to UFC Asia golden ticket. It's time," he continued.
Apart from this happy news, it is not impossible that there are names of One Pride MMA fighters other than Billy and Ronal, who will appear on Road to UFC this year. This is because five One Pride MMA fighters have appeared in the previous edition of the Road to UFC event.
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