Study Reveals the Reasons Why Women Always Right

Ilustrasi perempuan bahagia.
Sumber :
  • Istimewa

VIVA – Wondered why women is always right each time you are having a conflict? but what’s the reasons why women is always right? Well, science again has some technical explanations to all the impending mystery.

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So, 23 years back, research carried out titled “the mind in the eyes test” looks into how well one can surmise the thoughts and feelings of others. Its analysis reveals that women would be able to do this, but this was based on the pigeonhole notion of “women’s intuition.”

Further changes for better results and accuracy were adopted, revealing new conclusions that say socialization has a lot to do with this expertise.

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From this study came the birth of others that looked in and studied this unusual feature of women. With further probing, scientists at the University of Cambridge found in their research that women have a mind-reading gene mutation that gives them power like mutants to understand someone’s thoughts and emotions by a simple look at the eyes.

This solves the mystery of cognitive empathy as it is called. Without direct communication, a woman can communicate inferences from everything around her thus making her an accomplished sociologist. This explains why women do well in tests that require reading nonverbal cues.

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Ilustrasi wanita/marah.

Photo :
  • Freepik/benzolx

A woman’s ability to sense things; the intuitive nature some speculate is sole because they are mothers of the earth and a woman’s thinking rises from her brain and most importantly from her heart. All of this tally to the mythical and mind reader attribute.

Is being right a woman’s prerogative? As often enough husbands go back in meekness to say “what you said was true” or some do not even admit it at all to have the last say and have their ego-less bruised and bashed.

A woman's pursuit is usually more detailed, and oriented, and can multitask, with all of these she is able none regardless to still have her sixth sense sharp.

Furthermore, a woman’s sixth sense is most often right knowing what he is always thinking, sniffing a mile away when a lie is about to be dropped and when the truth is told. This amounts to say general observation has consequently led to the probing of a woman’s mind like rare antiques are studied for their uniqueness.

The fact that women have double X chromosomes, high levels of the hormone estrogen, and genetic variants on chromosome 3 according to scientists is a plausible explanation for why women are always right and are the main reason for women’s longevity more than men. So, this fuels the power of reading women’s psychic minds.

Saying that women are irrational might just be a defense mechanism against a patriarchal society that has robbed men of emotional experiences. The scientific studies in social science and social neuroscience succinctly beef up the initial stereotype perception of women as mind readers so the reasons are more biological than mythical.

This quality of a woman has fostered the mythical idea of a mind reader, witch, and so much more unclaimed titles. There is no harm to believe that a woman’s intuition is a very strong sense, affirmed by the saying “behind every successful man is a woman” and this is all thanks to her supernatural abilities.

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