Diabetes Sign Could be Seen in a High Appetite

Ilustrasi diabetes.
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  • Pexels/Mikhail Nilov

VIVA – Diabetes is a chronic health condition that affects how your body turns food into energy. Your body breaks down most of the food you eat into sugar (glucose) and releases it into your bloodstream. When your blood sugar goes up, it signals your pancreas to release insulin.

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Internal medicine specialist, dr. Virly Nanda SpPD-KGEH said that when the body suddenly experiences an increase in appetite, people should be aware that the body has diabetes. This is because diabetes occurs. After all, the body is unable to control blood sugar and insulin levels, resulting in a constant desire to eat.

"Be careful actually because of the sudden increase in appetite, do not check with the doctor, there is a medical problem. One is diabetes.,” dr. Virly said. 

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Why does it suddenly become a constant appetite?

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Diabetes is usually accompanied by other symptoms but yes, just don't keep eating," he said on tvOne's Healthy Living program, on Thursday, February 16, 2023.

In the body, says dr. Virly, some hormones trigger appetite control. When diabetes occurs, high sugar in the blood triggers increased appetite.

The hormone that triggers the appetite to increase is accompanied by other symptoms such as constant thirst and frequent urination.

"That's a symptom of diabetes. But there are many other symptoms. High sugar in the blood makes you want to eat," she remarked.

A deeper, increased appetite can also be a risk for goiter. Hormones that occur when goiter is lurking, stimulate increased appetite so that unconsciously will eat constantly, "If the hormone is high, it stimulates the innate desire to eat continuously. That's the disease (goiter) that makes appetite increase," dr. Virly stated.

In addition, an increased appetite can also be a sign that a woman is most likely pregnant. Not only that, when the appetite increases it is also a sign that the body is lacking fluids and needs them immediately.

Previously, dr. Virly said that increased appetite is influenced by various factors, such as fatigue and lack of rest. According to him, lack of sleep can have an impact that produces certain hormones in the body, making it difficult to control appetite.

"Lack of sleep leads to excessive appetite. This lack of sleep can disrupt the hormones that control appetite. Because it is tired, it cannot be controlled, so appetite appears or can also decrease," she said.

After that, lack of sleep makes energy decrease dramatically in the body so that organ functions do not run optimally, including in the central nervous system.

In fact, in that area, it works by regulating hormones that control the appetite to stay awake.

Ilustrasi cek diabetes pada anak muda.

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 Kanal Lifestyle VIVA.co.id, Rabu, 8 Januari 2025, memiliki 5 artikel dengan jumlah pembaca paling banyak. Dari 5 artikel tersebut, salah satunya membahas gejala diabetes

9 Januari 2025