PPM School Educates Young People to Become Social Change Agents
- Arianti Widya
VIVA – As a continuation of the Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Achieving SDG's sharing session program, the PPM School of Management held a Public Lecture: Creating Social Impact on Friday, at @America, Pacific Place, Jakarta.
In this event, at least 250 participants from high school, diploma students, undergraduates, postgraduates, and the general public attended the material and sharing session on Social Entrepreneurship in a hybrid manner.
PPM School of Management Innovation, Incubation, and Business Development Manager Nina Ivana said that this sharing session is significant for the younger generation to become agents of change to care about social problems in society through social entrepreneurship.
Public Lecture event: Creating Social Impact by PPM School of Management
- Arianti Widya
"Through this event, PPM School wants to make students have the mindset to work not only about salary, position but also to be able to show what impact they could give to the career they choose," PPM School of Management Innovation Incubation and Business Development Manager, Nina Ivanna stated.Â
According to Nina, there are more startups that have a social mission, where the business is not only profit-oriented but also plays a role in solving social or environmental problems.
She also hopes that young people can create social change in their environment, “It is hoped that more and more young people will understand how to create social change in the community. For example, there are young people who want to solve the waste problem in the community," she explained.
"They can learn about social entrepreneurship gradually, starting from waste management that has a positive impact on the economy and the environment in a sustainable manner," Nina added.
Furthermore, several Social Entrepreneurship experts and practitioners, namely dr. Teresa Chahine (Lecturer of Social Entrepreneurship Yale School of Management), Anggun Pesona Intan MM (Lecturer of Social Entrepreneurship at PPM School of Management), and Afrodita Indayani (Co-founder of PT Ekowisata Kreatif Indonesia) appeared as speakers at the event.